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The day I jumped to my happiness...

"Do what you love and you'll never 'work' a day in your life" they said. There should be some amendment to this talking about the environment in which you do what you love. Truth is, it's very possible to do what you love and it still feel like 'work'.

On paper I was working my "dream" job. To many I had a well sought after job, great pay and decent benefits of said job. Being blessed to land such a job almost immediately after completing my masters was something I didn't take for granted. I was grateful. Fours years in however, the "great pay and decent benefits" were no longer appealing to me. Efforts to make changes were unsuccessful. Going to work was becoming a drag and a mental game with myself.

"Think about the good things."

"You have a great team"

"You play a huge role in your department"

"You are great at what you do".

These words began losing power! Truth is, I was no longer happy with my job. It reflected in my attitude and daily mood and I was not liking it. It was mentally draining! I guess one general term to sum up how I felt was: stressed! The truth is I wanted more for myself...more out of my life...and the 'decent benefits' of my job were losing rank in their order of importance to me.

Staying home from work was never an option, but this one Tuesday morning I decided I rather spend the day at the beach with some girlfriends than go to work. And I did. The conversations that day were God sent. It turned up a fire under me. A fire whose flame was slowly extinguishing. There's something about being around and talking to likeminded people. They remind you of the right things at the right time in the right way. (Being at the beach always brings me clarity too so I guess it was inevitable).

Two days later I resigned from my job.

Was it planned? No

Was it always a thought? In the later half, yes.

Did I know what my next steps were? No (but I'll figure it out)

Was I worried? No (I have been praying about it)

Scared? Most definitely! (Have you ever jumped off any height - especially one where you're not sure where your feet are going to land? It's scary!)

I was comforted by the fact that I needed to do what was best for ME. I needed to explore a path that would make ME happy. I needed to give ME a chance.

I prayed, I cried, I closed my eyes and I JUMPED!

It was now time to figure this out! My support circle was awesome and very encouraging. But then you learn to realize that after a while, those closest to you will no longer understand the path you are about to take. Some of the faces of that support circle change. Unfamiliar faces become your biggest cheerleaders and your tribe. You learn to be comfortable with being by yourself (not that I had issues with this before), but there's a level of isolation that comes with starting your own business.

Being an entrepreneur is by no means a walk in the park. It tests every part of your being. Your mind, body and spirit! The personal growth you experience though is #priceless.

People: "do you have any regrets about your decision?" Me: Absolutely not!

Knowing my faith is bigger than my fear and believing that God will continue to blow my mind with what He is doing is all the encouragement needed. I speak it and affirm it every morning!

In retrospect, my career path has prepared me for where I am now. I'm grateful for the not so good moments because they help me to appreciate the awesome moments even more.

Are you happy about where you are? Where your career path is taking you? Do you wake up every morning and say "yes! Another day to get it done." If you answered "no" to any of these, what's holding you back?

Think about, pray about it and then be about it!

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