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#ProTip: How to seat your guests!

First, check out our last post dedicated to 'organising your bridal party'.

In this one we continue on and clarify another wedding planning challenge, seating your guests. This part of the planning process comes towards the end as you need to know who has confirmed attendance. If you haven't worked with RSVP's, then this process can be completed at an earlier time.

Seating your guests. Wedding Seating Chart.

The Layout You will have to conduct a site visit of your venue to better understand the layout. The vendor should provide information in regards to maximum capacities, but feel free to ask about different set ups. This will all guide you when it comes to finalising your layout and seating arrangements. Do you want to use round tables or rectangular tables or both? Where will the head table be? Will the bridal party sit with the bride and groom? Will the parents sit at the head table? Seating Methods Now you have to decide on how you are going seat your guests. Here are some methods to consider; 1. No seating plan- sit where you fit 2. Reserve tables for the top tables only, everyone else can seat themselves 3. Assigned tables 4. Assign tables and seats Again, this all depends on you and the type of wedding that you want. You know your guests; so do you think that you will need to prevent the start of world war III, or are your guests able to conduct themselves? Do you want to have the front tables assigned to your bridal party/ parents and siblings, with their families, etc. Recent times have seen a mix of family/ friends being seated around one table. Why? you may ask. Well, remember, this is a union and it is a great opportunity for both sides to get to know each other. Some may have things in common. Once the formaliities and dinner are over; guests rarely stay at their tables and end up socialising with persons who they are more familiar with. At the end of the day, your guests are there for you and your groom, so as much as you will want to take feelings into consideration, try not to overthink it! Have specific questions about your seating plan?


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