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We know this one all too well...using social media to your event's advantage is sometimes a struggle, a hit and miss. Well we've been following this 'mogulista' and challenged her to share some tips with us on this topic. Grab a notepad and read on ;-)


So you’re having this epic event, you have everything booked, the venue, the DJ, the printer of your tickets, a photographer, security and catering.

Is there anything missing? #isthereanythingmissing

Hmmm, no, not really, that’s everything.

Now really……….. #istthereanythingmissing?

No, that’s everything; maybe if you would stop with the hashtags, folks would be able to effectively execute their events.

Hold on there partner, that’s not everything, There is one major step, that is a definite requirement into having a memorable event. You cannot leave out this step because………. how are people going to know you are credible?

How are people actually going to take you seriously?

Why are people going to want to come to your future events?

What’s this step?

It’s simple but very strategic. There has to be a viable social media presence for your event.

Without this you’re DOOOOOOOMMMEDDDDD (I’m saying this in my fairytale narrator voice).

Please notice, I said VIABLE. It’s not just posting an event flyer or simply creating an event and sharing it on Facebook and having limited or no interaction within the “event page”.

I am going to give you the four best ways to utilize social media for your event ……….

Four for YOU (44U)

The first is by creating a buzz for your event. Use teasers with video (it doesn’t have to be professionally made; it can be something made in Adobe Spark, Splice or imovie). However, if you can go HAM with a videographer, then I am here for it. Make me hulk green with envy! Get me anxious thinking about what I have to do to attend this event! Video translates emotion really well so posting high impact and high quality video on the event page does half the work for you. It usually gets buyers in the frame of mind to buy.

The second way to maximize the social #socializeyourevent, is by dropping statuses about your event on Facebook and Twitter so that you definitely spark some interest. Eg, If you are checking out the venue, your status could be “Venue Check” with some emojis. Or even a status about the Countdown to the event, eg. “Ten Days until the greatest time of your life.”

The third tip will be to have a giveaway or a contest. Contests are always fruitful on social media. They build brand awareness and are another great way to create that stir for tickets to your event. A simple way to do this is for people who shared or liked one of your posts have a chance at winning tickets to your event.

The last tip will be to create a hashtag for your event so that during the event folks can tag themselves and can be easily found in order to get tagged in the pictures of the event (hence the rationale for the hashtags at the beginning of this post). Hashtags are a fantastic way to connect to the participants before and after your event. When the photographs are incorporated into your social media strategy, you will be able to tag your fans. Potential clients can also search the hashtag, so that they can prepare for your future events and be able to get updates from you, whenever you post.

So that’s it Four For You (44U)!

I really hope that this has helped you with the development of your event and if you have further

questions about a social media strategy, please send me an email at

With Love and Hustle



“Trinidad Mogulista”, Ameniki Omotola is a Creative Entrepreneur with the vision and goal to help other “Moguls” and “Mogulistas” realize their business potential and thrive in the small business market through her online platform.

Dubbed the 'Social Media Slayer', Ameniki is determined to help Small Creative Business owners from Trinidad & Tobago and all corners of the globe overcome their small business social media challenges like she has successfully managed to overcome herself over the years and come up together with real solutions concerning her clients’ online creative business social media strategies–from the moment they launch their business to being mentioned in the prestigious Forbes list.

Follow her at: Website:


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